It's almost time to go to work again! :( About 3 more months-ish, then I can hopefully go on mat leave! :)
I told a co-worker that I was prego on Wednesday on one of our breaks. She was like 'woahhh that's weird' and was telling me that she said the other night when we were both on autos she was thinking that maybe I was prego or wondering if I was because my belly was a bit plumper then it was when she started. She was like you were fairly skinny when I started here and I was thinking that maybe you were and for you to tell me that now that's just weird. lol then her son came in who also works with us and she told him. So yesterday when we were waiting at the punch clock to find out what machine we were running that night she came up to me and asked if I was four weeks or four months along. She was like her and her son had been arguing about it all day he said I was four weeks and she said I was four months. I forget what she would have to do if she was wrong but she told him that if she was right he would have to walk home lol. So she rubbed it in his face when she found out she was right. I thought that was funny. :)
I haven't been feeling so exhausted as of late which is good. Yesterday I even worked out for 20ish mins. Even though I got up at 12ish and even made some spagetti sauce and spagetti for lunch. (Yeah I know a weird thing for lunch but my suppers are normally a salad or a sandwich) I think I found a vidoe that I would like to get to work out to that's specific for pregnancy people. The Summer Sanders one. They are not annoying and they are even funny so that is good, plus it has a workout for each trimester. So Chris was like how about you get it if you work out 5 more times lol. I didn't work out today though. For some reason I have been like out of it until 12pm everyday. I thought today I would be getting up early since I was semi awake earlier but nope. I fell back asleep and finally got up at 12. OMG it's FRIDAY though. But so much to do this weekend yikes!
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