It was my birthday today and my first Mother's day. Nice that they fell on the same day. Chris made me eggs and bacon for breakfast and got me some really good black licorice, some sun block (for when we go for walks with the baby) some new face cleanser and a chapters gift card. Tam got me one too so I have 50 bucks worth of new books coming my way! I just have to figure out what I want to get! I know I am for sure getting the fourth book in George RR Martin's series since I'm pretty sure I don't have that one yet. As to what I will use the rest for I have no idea yet. It will be fun to figure it out!
The card he got me was cute and it was from Monkey. He had her help him sign her name and even traced her hand (sorta on the other side) soo cute :) Best mothers day present ever! The card has spongebob squarepants on it and it says "Mom you've drenched me in love, handed me spare clams when I've needed them, and always, ALWAYS...given me clean underpants!" lol. Breakfast was awesomely good as well. The bacon was sooo good. I can't remember the last time I had bacon and eggs. Very filling though. I didn't have to eat anything until supper time!
Chris parents came up to visit us in the afternoon, as well as Tammy, Steve, Jon and Steph and Shawn. It was nice to see everyone and I know everyone was happy to see the baby :) I unfortunately woke up that morning with a really bad blocked duct on the right side. It hurt sooo freaking bad, it sort of put a damper on my day that's for sure but I did my best to ignore it. I was also dealing with a blocked duct on the left but it was almost gone so it wasn't hurting anymore. Sometime after everyone left the left one seemed to dissappear thank god and the right one had gotten better. I was applying warm face rags to it and massaging it and trying to get her to empty that side out really well. It was definately feeling better by the time I went to bed. Seriously all these blocked ducts are really starting to suck!