Chris went and got the paint last night before he came home. Hopefully it is the right colour since he didn't get them to open it before he bought it. He also got a few roller brushes, a paint brush for the edges and a drop cloth. That would be hoooorible if we got paint on the carpet since it's a brand new carpet! Once he gets that done I can paint what I want to on the walls (the whole tree thing with blowing leaves) but I will probably wait until we have the crib here and we know where we are going to put it.
So yesterday I was going to start making the pattern for the cradle mattress cover but could not find my freaking ruler!!! It's long and wobbly so it has to be in a biggish box in the basement or a tote. Couldn't find it anywhere. Chris even looked last night as well and he couldn't find it either. I really didn't feel like pulling everything out of all boxes either, plus having to crouch over a box for more then a minute kills my back and my belly so not worth it. GAR so I guess I will have to use a measuring tape! I did find my t-square though so at least I have something long and solid to draw a straight line with. At least I know where my tissue paper is. I was sitting at the computer after my failed attempt to find my ruler and I realized holy crap where are my straight pins!! But thankfully I had packed them in my sewing machine box. PHEW. I really need to get that going. With everything though I am always afraid I am going to screw it up. I hate cutting out material as well. I just hope I have enough of it. It's cute though it has yellow, pink and green baby footprints on it! I also am not sure exactly how to put a zipper in but I seen a few pictures online and think I have a good idea. Doesn't have to be perfect at all , just functional lol.