Thursday, September 8, 2011

My newest favorite

I have always wanted to be able to print off my journal so that I don't always have to be sitting at my computer to reread it. I never thought it would be possible to have it printed in such a nice way. I figured I would just have to sent it all to my printer and print it that way. That was until I found!

It was so easy! I just downloaded their application so I could make my book offline (you can just do it online at their website as well) and away I went. There are so many layouts and choices and you even are able to build a page from scratch. I finally was able to place my order and I finally got my book yesterday. I was a bit nervous since I wasn't sure of the font size and I had ordered two copies. The highly recommended that you don't order multiple copies on a newly uploaded book in case it doesnt turn out the way you though. But hey, they were having a promotion and I needed two and I didn't want to have to pay shipping twice. So I took a chance. I originally started my journal online to share my pregnancy and beyond adventures with family and friends that we do not see all the time.

The only person that really never was able to sit down and read my journal on a daily basis was my mom. She is not a computer techy person nor does she even have one. So I ordered one for me and one for her. I can't wait to give it to her! I now am planning a few other ones as well. One for the planning of my wedding and our building a house adventures! I think I will be even more creative with the design and layout of these ones. The only thing I will do different is that I will make sure that I edit all my photos! Some of them turned out a bit dark but that was due to not correcting the colour etc.

I also love that it was printed in Calgary which meant that I didn't have to worry about any duty or tariff fees if it came from the states. I was a bit worried about that. Here is a picture of the cover and a random page inside!

love, love, LOVE IT! :) It will be nice to share it with friends, family that don't have a computer and also with Monkey when she is older.
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