Wednesday, March 31, 2010

blahh.. :( but still wishful thinking...

So yesterday I woke up with some cramps and by the time I got to my computer I had to take a few Advil and go lay down. It was horrible. After an hour I thought for sure it was going to last forever and I would not be able to make it to work, but if finally ebbed away. It was the worst pain ever :( I haven't had cramps that bad in a long time, and going through it again I'm glad that that is a rare occurrence. So I am a bit disappointed since that means no baby. Although today the period is almost non existent, so I don't know what to think. Is it break through bleeding or what? I know that part is really just wishful thinking on my part. I just hate waiting!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I've convinced myself I'm prego...

Last week I think I was convinced that I was pregnant because my stomach felt really weird off and on all weekend long. My breasts are also feeling huge and sore but really all this is like pre-menstruation symptoms. I am due for my period this week. I think I will be disappointed if I do get it. I just want to get the ball rolling with starting a family.

It's hard to say exactly when my most fertile time is but I guess in a few days we will see. I'm hoping to be prego by the end of April, that would be nice. Either way I have started on my path to no pop /aspartame as I don't want that to harm the baby. I have been drinking way to much pop lately anyways, so it's a good thing. Yesterday was horrible because I just wanted one so bad. I finally settled for a few sips of Chris's regular Pepsi. Today I have been okay so far. I haven't drank any water though but have had some clamato juice, some other juice and some flavoured water. Work will be the real challenge. I will just have to stick with water. The week days seem to be going by sooo slowly because I am anxious to see if I am pregnant or not!!! geeez!
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